After practicing the injections of the cheekbones, we continue with an injection of hyaluronic acid just above the tip of the eyebrow in order to reduce the muscle and thus obtain a beautiful projection and convexity. We then make a second entry point lower in the temple.

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We start the cheekbone injection session with an injection of lidocaine to anesthetize the injection area, then we use the same entry point to inject hyaluronic acid. We practice a pyramid movement to spread the product. We then inject the zygomatics to recreate a beautiful triangular area. This gives volume to the cheekbone, while recreating a beautiful convexity with the lower eyelid. The gaze thus appears elongated and the cheekbone appears enhanced thanks to the play of shadows and light that we have recreated.

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In this video, after identifying the aesthetic facial treatments to be carried out on our patient, we highlight the different arteries that run through the face. The objective is to have a perfect anatomical knowledge of the face in order to inject only in the “safe” areas. We also highlight the “safety triangle” which identifies a non-injection area which, if it were, would have the opposite effect from that sought, namely to raise the cheekbone. Once the arteries and the different areas have been identified, we can safely inject hyaluronic acid into the different entry points of the face: cheekbones, temples, eyebrows, nose, chin.

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In this video, we analyze the face of our patient in order to define the best treatment, which must be done taking into account her needs but also the recommendation of the surgeon.

After analysis, the defined aesthetic treatment focuses on:

– treatment of the tear though and the eye area
– the treatment of the cheekbones in order to restore their volume
– the treatment of the temples and the tail of the eyebrow, intended to raise it
– treatment of the nose to correct the bump and slightly raise the tip
– the treatment of the chin in order to refine the oval of the face and offer a more triangular and more feminine profile

We will use different hyaluronic acids depending on the area to be treated.

It is a global facial treatment, which incorporates the principles of Chic Lift and FaceSculpture.

Know more about aesthetic medicine in Geneva.

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The beauty of the face in its entirety by combined injections: Facesculpture treatment

This video shows how we use the combined injections of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin to reshape the face in its entirety. FaceSculpture is a concept of global facial rejuvenation. A 3-dimensional aesthetic consultation session first lets you analyze the face in depth. We can determine the best treatment for each area of the face.

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Injections in the temples and eyebrows – hyaluronic acid

At a congress in Paris, we deliver injections of hyaluronic acid Juvederm into the temples of a patient to fill the hollow and give a younger look to the face. At the same time, we also injections above the eyebrow to bring back the tip.

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Local anesthesia before cannula injections

Following the drawings before injections of the previous video, we show here that it is possible to practice local anesthesia before injecting botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid into the cannula. We use a cannula and not a needle, in order to offer total comfort to the patient.

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Demonstration of drawings before botulinum toxin and Hyaluronic Acid injections

In this video, made during a conference in Paris for professionals in Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery, we analyze the face of this patient and proceed to the drawings to show the specific areas of injections. Once the entry points are identified, we will inject botulinum toxin, Hyaluronic Acid and Voluma.

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FaceSculpture®: Injection of botulinum toxin and Acid hyaluronique pour rajeunir le visage

FaceSculpture® is a concept of rejuvenation and beautification of the face and neck based on a method of using the best injectables in facial wrinkles and volumes to achieve natural results in our practice.
An example of the course of treatment in this video: injection of botulinum toxin in the hollow of the eye, injections in the contour of the lips, and at the top of the eyebrows. To recreate volumes through the play of shadows and lights, and rejuvenate the whole face

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FACE SCULPTURE®: injection of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid to correct asymmetry of the face

Here is how I use the Facesculpture® procedure to correct the facial asymmetry of my patient here. Thanks to a fine analysis of her different facial areas, I can restore the balance and harmony of her face by injections of botulinum toxin® and hyaluronic acid.

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