In this video, we are doing a cartilage graft from the back of the pinna to improve the bridge of the nose (or the dorsal side of the nose).
This type of rhinoplasty is performed in the case of excessively hollow noses, for uneven noses, for in restorative rhinoplasties, or for “ethnic” noses (Asian, African, Arab, Latin noses …).

Know more about surgical rhinoplasty.

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We perform cosmetic surgery of the eyelids (blepharoplasty) to remove the excess skin on the upper eyelid of our patient. This allows to open and rejuvenate the look.

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This video shows a cosmetic treatment of medical genioplasty, which allows us to reshape the chin of our patient naturally, without plastic surgery. We use hyaluronic acid fillers injections into the chin and the mandibular contour (jawline contouring). We will be able to project the chin forward while removing existing dimples. The profile of our patient is thus improved.

More about medical genioplasty here.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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A double chin is a cluster of localized fat, often associated with platysma muscle bands, covered by an excess of skin, deforming the jawline contour. To correct this disgrace, anterior cervicofacial lift (our new “3 points Lift”) is an option that allows to target the surgical procedure at the chin and avoid scars behind the ears. Young patients who want a slimmer neck or men who want to make a discreet improvement to their face are perfectly eligible for this procedure.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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You find your cheekbones too flat and your face lacks relief? It is possible to increase the volume of the cheekbones by cosmetic surgery. 

Have a look at a live video recorded operation of aesthetic surgery of malar implant. By placing a soft silicone implants, deeply under muscles, on top the cheekbone, we obtain a higher relief and a lazy curve for flat cheekbones. We get an harmonious triangular face, like “heart shape face” or “HeArt of face®”.

There are other non-surgical alternatives to increase cheekbones: lipofilling (macro fat grafting, nanofat) or hyaluronic acid injection into the cheekbones.

In order to appreciate the potential results of your operation, we offer our patients a 3-dimensional photo consultation, thanks to the VECTRA 3D Sculptor software ( on PC) and CRISALIX (on mobile iPad). This allows to be closer to expectations by understanding and visualizing the request. And thus be able to visualize the potential results by a comparison before / after.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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In this video we can see how we proceed for a bichectomy in order to partially or totally remove the Bichat’s fat pad. This surgical procedure involves a small incision inside the cheek. It can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. We thus get a thinner face.

Learn more about the bichectomy.

Video of cosmetic surgery in Geneva, made by Doctor Hervé Raspaldo.

Dr. Raspaldo’s office is a cosmetic surgery practice based in Geneva. We practice various aesthetic treatments such as botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid injections. But also cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelifts, surgical rhinoplasties, blepharoplasties, etc.

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This kind of surgical genioplasty, is done with a permanent specific chin implant.

We insert a soft silicone prothesis to project the chin forward , through an invisible scar into the mouth. The objective is to reshape nicely a too short chin (microgenia). Done on local and sedation anesthesia, ambulatory procedure, Result is very natural , permanent , not painful , with a short social eviction of one day only.

Last but not least, we can obtain a Neck lift by projecting, with the chin implant , the length of the mandibule and pulling on the platysma muscle. This surgical procedure can be combined with a lower face and neck liposuccion and even with a corset-plasty neck lift. Other surgical Alternative is macro -micro-Nano fat grafting on the chin, or Lipostructure.

Know more about genioplasty.

Need more information? Feel free to contact us for any question.

Know more about Doctor Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon at Geneva.

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After years, facial skin and muscles tend to lose their elasticity. Wrinkles appear: dynamic wrinkles on forehead, glabella and crows feet. Sagging of soft tissue: drooping eyebrows, midface fat pads, cheeks, and neck drooping.

So many signs of ageing that we can correct elegantly and softly with a minimal invasive surgery.
One the best new surgical option is: the endoscopic browlift.

In this video, we explain where are incisions (very discrete behind tragus and hidden in the hair follicules), and which instruments we use.
Endoscopic browlift is a great evolution of technology : a mini video-camera and specific endoscopic facelift instruments allow precise and sure dissection and facial muscle corrections.
The endoscopic facelift will pool up the dynamic muscles, smooth the wrinkles of the forehead and around the eyes, raise the eyebrows, and retighten the entire skin of the face and neck.

Know more about endoscopic facelift.

Feel free to contact Dr Hervé Raspaldo, surgeon in Geneva.

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Here we see the third part of the course of a rhinoplasty: the result.

We proceed in this video to the removal of the splint after cosmetic surgical rhinoplasty, which took place 6 days earlier. The tip is refined and more elegant. The hump of the nose is gone and the profile is perfectly aligned, while maintaining a very natural result. There is very little edema or bruising. This allows a recovery of activities and a very fast social life.

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Here we see the second part of the course of a rhinoplasty: the surgery.

We will correct the bump of our patient’s nose, soften the tip and improve her profile alignment.
Cryotherapy, performed before and after the procedure, prevents swelling.

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Here we see the first part of the course of a rhinoplasty: the consultation.
The purpose of the consultation is to understand the patient’s motivations and to explain the course of the intervention.
We also perform a 3D simulation (morphing) that opens the discussion and allows to better understand the patient’s demand and expectations and the realistic possibilities of the result.

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