Doctor Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva, Switzerland

How to get a slimmer face

If you find that your face is too round or too wide, we invite you today to discover three techniques to make your face look thinner. This article has been written for Anti-Age Magazine.

affiner le visage par chirurgie esthétique

Get slimmer cheeks thanks to bichectomy

Bichectomy consists in removing the deep fat pads from the cheeks by getting rid of the so-called ‘Bichât fat pads’. The ‘Bichât fat pads’ are located just below the cheekbones and give the cheeks their rounded shape. You may wish to reduce the volume of your cheeks because you find them too round, or simply to highlight their hollow and, by doing so, to get a slimmer face.

Learn more about bichectomy to remove the fat pads from the cheeks.

Get a slimmer face using liposuction of the (lower) cheeks

It is possible to correct a too round face using liposuction to remove excess fat located in the face, including the cheeks, the lower part of the cheeks, the chin and the neck. Liposuction of the face helps to make the contour of your face slimmer again.

Contact us if you want to know more about face liposuction in Geneva.

Reduce a too strong square jaw thanks to botulinum toxin injections

Masseter muscles (or masticatory muscles) define the shape of the jaw. If they are too large, the angle of the jaw will look wider. It is possible to reduce the shape of the jaw by injecting botulinum toxin into the masseter muscles. The muscles will relax and therefore loose some of their volume. The hollow of the cheeks will be highlighted and the face will become slimmer.

Learn more about botulinum toxin injections to make your jaw slimmer.

For more effectiveness, it is definitely possible to combine these three techniques.

Doctor Raspaldo, aesthetic surgeon in Geneva


Le lifting du visage, le lifting du cou, le traitement de la ride du lion, la chirurgie des paupières, le traitement des rides sous les yeux, le traitement des cernes et la chirurgie du nez.

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Dr Raspaldo

Treatment of eye pouches

Treatment of eye pouches, tear trough and dark circles in Geneva

Eye pouches appear with age, fatigue, or an unhealthy lifestyle.

There are indeed different types of eye pouches. This will often dull the look and yet it is possible to reduce or remove pouches under the eyes, wrinkles and fine lines. The most modern techniques are effective and make it possible to rejuvenate the gaze.

Traitement des poches sous les yeux

Eye pouches and dark circles surgery to remove tear trough under the eyes

Fighting against pouches under the eyes and finding a beautiful gaze is possible nowadays thanks to different treatments:

– The injections of the pouches under the eyes by hyaluronic acid injection or fat will reduce or remove the pouches under the eyes and fill and mask the hollows.
– Blepharoplasty, also called eyelid surgery, which is more substantial, makes it possible to permanently correct pouches under the eyes.
– Peeling will allow the skin to renew and gain luminosity although the colouring will remain difficult to remove.
– PRP can also help reduce dark circles.

Be aware that it is not possible to correct everything regarding pouches under the eyes and dark circles. Doctor Raspaldo can respond to your requests and questions during a consultation where a 3-dimensional diagnosis will be carried out. This will allow you to have a real simulation of the expected result.

3D simulation and morphing to treat pouches under the eyes

During your plastic surgery consultation, a 3D simulation and a morphing of your face are offered. This allows you to analyze your face in depth and in detail and to define together the elements that we will correct during your treatment of pouches under the eyes. This is a real aesthetic consultation 2.0 which allows you to benefit from a 3D simulation and morphing before injection of the pouches under the eyes.

WATCH a video on pouches under the eyes
LEARN MORE about hyaluronic acid injections to remove pouches under the eyes
LEARN MORE about botulinum toxin injections

Facelift, neck lift, lion wrinkle treatment, eyelid surgery, treatment of wrinkles under the eyes, tear trough treatment and nose surgery.

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Dr Raspaldo

Treatment of the chin and the neck

Remove double chin without liposuction and remove fat under the neck with Belkyra® injections

enlever double menton graisse cou belkyra raspaldo genève

When you get older and more weighty, you can see your body being transformed, you get our belly, thighs, arms… fatter. But parts of our body, which we would not have spontaneously thought of, are also changing, like the neck and chin that also accumulate fat.

Having a double chin and a fat neck is not the most aesthetic. Also, we are naturally looking for solutions to refine his neck and chin. And even to really get rid of his double chin.

It is now possible to work against double chin and chin and neck fat without surgery, thanks to a brand new treatment: Deoxyolic acid injections (or Belkyra®).

This injectable product will allow to directly dissolve the fat (in 1 to 3 injection sessions) by preventing its reappearance, since the fat cells will have been destroyed. It is a treatment to lose weight of the neck without surgery and without liposuction.

Learn more about Belkyra® injections

Reshaping the chin without surgery with Voluxe® injections

Conversely, we can find that his chin lack of shape and volume, and we would sometimes like to resculpt.

Until now, it was possible to inject hyaluronic acid into the chin to smooth its appearance. Today, a brand new treatment can add volume to the chin without surgery: Voluxe® injections.

It is an injectable hyaluronic acid thicker than hyaluronic acid and will harden once injected.

Injections of Voluxe® make it possible to avoid placing an implant in the chin while reshaping it naturally.

Learn more about Voluxe® injections.

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Dr Raspaldo

Reshaping cheekbones and hollow cheeks with hyaluronic acid injections

When we are young, our cheekbones have a smooth shape and perfect elasticity.

The cheekbones are supported by a fat tissu layer, which is thicker than in any other face area. But this fat tissue is not fixed and therefore it can change its aspect.

The cheekbones can collapse progressively, due to the fat loss or the tissue loosening.

That is when the nasolabial folds can become noticeable, giving the face an aged and severe appearance.

We will therefore volumize the cheekbones and restore the face contour using fillers : hyaluronic acid injections in the cheekbones.

In case of very hollow cheekbones, this procedure can also be used to reconstruct the entire cheek, resulting in an overall reshaped face.

The purpose here is to restructure and redefine the face oval in a natural way.


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Dr Raspaldo

botulinum toxin injections to treat crow’s feet wrinkles

Not only are the forehead wrinkles a well known sign of aging skin, but they also create an unpleasant, strict look on your face.

With age, horizontal lines stretch along the forehead, becoming even more noticeable when you raise the eyebrows. Frowning, on the other hand, makes the lion’s wrinkle visible.

But this is far from being irreparable.

The botulinum toxin injections are a very efficient treatment for the glabellar lines between the eyebrows (the so called lion’s wrinkles).

The botulinum toxin has indeed a relaxing and smoothing effect on all the muscles involved in these wrinkles, preventing them from contracting.

Botulinum toxin injections in the lion’s wrinkle act on the ”corrugator” and the ”procerus” muscles.

injections de botox dans la ride du lion docteur raspaldo chirurgien genève

Rebuilding volume in the hollow temples with hyaluronic acid injections

Hollow temples can lead to shadow areas, making the entire bone structure more visible and creating an aged look.

As your skin ages, it loses fat tissue in the temporal area, causing the temples to become hollow. Furthermore, this volume loss can also affect the eyebrows, making their external edge sink progressively.

With this in mind, you can actually opt for a global rejuvenating treatment of the whole central area of the face, in which case we will simultaneously treat the eyelids, the crow’s feet and the lowered eyebrows.

The hyaluronic acid injection in the temples will help rebuilding volume.

The aim here is to remodel this entire area in a natural way, make the unpleasant shadows disappear and gently lift the eyebrows.

The procedure results in a younger, rejuvenated look.

Know more about Chic Lift©

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Dr Raspaldo

Raise eyebrows thanks to injections

Eyebrow surgery: injections of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin to raise the eyebrows

The eyebrows are an important element guaranteeing the harmony of the face. A high, fleshy, convex and well-drawn eyebrow illuminates the whole face and gives it a harmonious balance. Much easier to wear makeup! Over time, you can see the lowering of the eyebrow, the tail of the eyebrow that will fall, or even the loss of its curve. Too low eyebrows will give a dark look to the face, slightly shapely eyebrows will age the look, and a drooping tip will give a sad and tired look.

 This is why naturally correcting the eyebrowscan make you look younger and more sparkling.

We are going to inject botulinum toxininto the muscle around the eyes, into the orbicularis muscle, responsible for the lowering of the eyebrow, in order to correct eyebrows that are too low. You can also inject hyaluronic acid into the tail of the eyebrow to level and lift it up.

We thus find well-drawn eyebrows and a harmonious curve.

Eyebrow injections to rejuvenate the eyes and erase wrinkles around the eyes in Geneva, Switzerland

This objective of harmonious curve takes up the principle of the Chic Lift®, by smoothing the passage from the temple to the cheekbones without notch or unsightly shadow, which then forms an elegant “C” around the eye and beautifies the look. The injections in the eyebrows will therefore make it possible to raise the eyebrows and raise an excessively drooping point, but also to rejuvenate the look. The eye appears more open, the look is brighter, and the wrinkles around the eyes are reduced

Watch a video of a Chic Lift® with hyaluronic acid injections in the temples and eyebrows

Do not hesitate to come and consult us at our Geneva surgery and see the result in 3 dimensions that you can aspire for.

MORE information on 3D facial simulationDoctor Raspaldo, Plastic surgeon in Switzerland

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Dr Raspaldo

botulinum toxin cosmetic for lips and perioral area

You might be uncomfortable with different aspects of your lips, but these can all be corrected.

Firstly, you might find your lips too thin, and be frustrated with the lacking volume.

Lips volume can easily be enhanced and the contour reshaped using hyaluronic acid injections. The procedure will redefine the lip boarders, enhance the lip fullness and restore their volume. The hyaluronic acid can even be used to slightly lift the mouth corners up.

Secondly, you might be unhappy with the lines around your mouth, or even the upper lip wrinkles (the so called ”barcode” lines).

These ”dynamic” wrinkles can all be treated with botulinum toxin injections in the orbicular muscle, which is responsible for their development.

But the lips are not the only element pointing out the aging lower face.

The perioral area, such as the dewlap, the chin and the neck are also affected by sagging skin.

We can even restore chin volume if your chin is too small, using hyaluronic acid fillers.

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Dr Raspaldo

Sagging and aging skin treatment

Sagging skin is one of the first signs of aging, because the skin progressively loses elasticity and tissue quality.

The connective tissue of the skin changes and becomes thinner, the elastic fibers decrease. The number of collagen fibers also diminishes, while the hydration becomes less efficient and the blood circulation slower.

The skin is not only affected by natural aging, but also tarnished by various external factors.

The sagging skin condition occurs generally along with volume loss in different face areas.

The entire skin looks aged and dull.

But there are very efficient cosmetic treatments against all these unpleasant changes. Our specific procedures aim to stimulate the cell renewal, boost the collagen production and make your face look younger.

Our treatments against sagging skin :

-> Exfoliation, or peeling: activates the cell renewal

-> Photodynamic therapy, or LED therapy: stimulates the collagen production and helps restore the quality of the skin. This is a great treatment for aging skin conditions but also for scars, acne or stretch marks. It can also be used successfully in slow healing cases.

-> Photorejuvenation, or IPL (intense pulse light):  boosts the collagen and elastic fibers synthesis, reducing skin imperfections (brown spots, blood vessels, fine lines, rosacea…)

-> Mesotherapy  / skin booster : will strengthen and densify the skin. The procedure involves injecting a combination of hyaluronic acid and several nutritive and invigorating products.

-> The “BB Program” (Beauty Booster): we have developed a specific medical program for a bright and rejuvenated face. This program combines 4 different treatments (exfoliation, photodynamic therapy, IPL, mesotherapy), for specific and complexe results.

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Dr Raspaldo

Improving the skin quality with the LED Phototherapy : dull skin, scars

Unwanted skin conditions can occur at any age.

Scars, be they the consequence of an injury or of a surgery, can often be annoyingly noticeable. The difference between the healing skin and the original skin can be more or less visible.

Stretch marks are another unpleasant issue, caused by a pregnancy, a sudden weight loss or different other factors.

But the majority of patients asking for a consultation in our clinic complain about the low quality of skin. Dull skin, loss of tone and elasticity, an overall tired skin.

All these issues can be efficiently treated with the LED Therapy (also referred to as LED Phototherapy, or LED light therapy) : a non-invasive, rejuvenating procedure designed to accelerate the healing, revitalize the skin and restore its radiance and tone.

Learn more on the LED Phototherapy

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Dr Raspaldo

Correction of protruding ears

Protruding ears are a complex to a lot of people, and have deep impact on self-confidence. Prominent ears are the result of a cartilage malformation during primitive ear development.

But it can be easily fixed with the appropriate, effective techniques.

When it comes to protruding ears treatment, you have the choice between a minimally invasive technique and a surgical procedure. In both cases, these procedures can be performed on adults and children above the age of 7.

Earfold are implants that can be used to change the ears positioning(moving them closer to the head) or correct asymmetric ears, without heavy surgery and under local anesthesia. Using a small incision, we carefully position the implant and thus flatten the protruding ear.
The EarFold implant has many advantages :
– it doesn’t require hospitalization
– it doesn’t require general anesthesia
– the result is immediate,
– no bandages, no recovery time, you can return to your normal activities right after the procedure

How does it work ?

1. You schedule an appointment for a consultation
2. During the consultation, we use PreFold pre-clips to determine the result. We then proceed to a 3D photo session and a 3D simulation. Then comes a 2D photo session, in order to mark the exact positioning of the implants. All this information will be recorded in your medical file, which will be used during the procedure.
3. After local anesthesia, we make a small incision (5 to 10 mm) to place the Earfold implant deep under the skin, where it can touch the cartilage that needs to be bent. The procedure ends with a few stitches.
4. A simple dressing will be used to protect the area (generally, no bandages are required).

Watch a video of EarFold clip procedure

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure intended to reshape a defective or deformed ear by reconstructing the cartilage.
This technique is the only option when dealing with conchal hypertrophy (large conchal bowls).

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Dr Raspaldo

Nose reshaping with medical natural rhinoplasty or surgical rhinoplasty

The nose is a very important part of the face, and a source of frustration to many people.

Sometimes the nose is too small, or too big, or too wide. There can also be issues related to a bump on the bridge of the nose, a nasal tip that droops, nostrils that are excessively flared, or small wrinkles between the nose and the forehead.

If you want to reshape or correct your nose, there are two options you could consider.

Surgical rhinoplasty is performed under anesthesia, and aims to reshape the bone and cartilage. A few weeks recovery is necessary, the nose swelling must go down before you can see results.

But today, you can also consider a much less invasive, non surgical option.

Natural medical rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure performed by hyaluronic acid injections, with very good results in correcting nose issues. It is a mild and natural procedure, with temporary results that you can see immediately and will last for 12 to 18 months.

Natural medical rhinoplasty can correct a bump on the nose, a nasal tip that droops or a deficient structure.

We actually designed a global concept called the Eiffel Tower Nose Lift® to offer our patients a complete and global nose treatment: we recreate a solid base and a nicely shaped nose bridge, but also an optimal nasolabial angle, restoring nasal tip support and projection. It is a mild and safe procedure.

This will resulting in a better balance of the facial features.

During your first consultation, you will be able to see a 3D simulation in order to determine your specific needs and expectations.

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